On pension reform project protests for Le Monde | Romain Philippon
On Emigration in the islands for Libération | Romain Philippon
Interview with Thierry Hoarau on their project Traverse for Photo Doc.| Romain Philippon
Cabo Verde, the new drug hub ans its fight against climate change for Der Spiegel | Carmen Abd Ali
Carmen Abd Ali, publicationInland Storiescarmen abd ali, publication, cape verde, der Spiegel, new storie, Digital Storytelling, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story
Another Serbia/Kosovo political crisis in Die Zeit | Vladimir Zivojinovic
Mars on Earth in National Geographic Slovenia | Matjaz Tančič
exhibition, publication, Matjaz TancicInland Storiespublication, national geographic, matjaz tancic, mars on earth, slovenia, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, exhibition, circulations
let's work together for a better 2023
How North Carolina family lost their parental rights for an unpaid bill | Phyllis B. Dooney
Investigation on South Korean entertainment industry becoming K-Power | Tim Franco
publication, tim francoInland Storiesinvestigation, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, tim franco, el pais, assignment, publication, south korea, K-power
Cover Story 'The birth of Tommaso' for National Geographic | Melanie Wenger
publication, Melanie WengerInland Storiesmelanie wenger, national geographic, national geographic explorer, photojournalism, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, aging, publication
The expansion of German coal mines | Mathias Zwick
Mathias Zwick, publicationInland Storiesmathias zwick, publication, disclose, investigation, germany, coal mines, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer