In field in Ukraine | Jens Schwarz
New story on the Sea of Azov | Patrick Wack
On assignment for l'Obs | Mélanie Wenger
publication, Melanie WengerInland Storiesassignment, Obs, melanie wenger, france, Givet, documentary photography, documentary story, documentary photographer, publication
Interview for the French podcast Vision(s) | Patrick Wack
Interview, Patrick WackInland Storiespatrick wack, podcast, interview, documentary photography, documentary story, documentary photographer, DUST, xinjiang, sea of azov, minor differences
'Together on our own' exhibited in group show 'Postcard from Europe' | Tjorven Bruyneel
Tjorven BruyneelInland Storiestjorven bruneel, inland, inlanders, exhibition, together on our own, Shutter Hub, covid-19, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, Cambridge
Speaker at the National Geographic Storytelling Summit | Mélanie Wenger
Melanie WengerInland StoriesInland, inlanders, mélanie wenger, national geographic, national geographic explorer, talk, conference, covid-19, Cape Town, south africa, Penguin beach, wildlife
New story on disinformation | Jens Schwarz
Jens Schwarz, New storyInland StoriesInland, inlanders, jens schwarz, new storie, news, documentary photography, documentary story, documentary photographer, Ukraine, A Letter to Jenna, Mariupol, disinformation
Launching 'PERSPECTIVES', Inland's education program and workshops
Let's work together for a better 2022
Inland photographers, laureates of the French commission for photography
Inlanders, GrantInland StoriesInland, inlanders, french, commission, BNF, grant, jef bonifacino, mathias zwick, melanie wenger, cyril abad, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer
Discover all the books edited by Inlanders on our new page
Inlanders, photobookInland StoriesInland, inlanders, photobook, book, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, melanie wenger, tim franco, patrick wack, jens schwarz, cyril abad, romain philippon, myriam abdelaziz, phyllis dooney, matjaz tancic