Launching 'PERSPECTIVES', Inland's education program and workshops


From a very young age, we are confronted with a multitude of images that shape our vision of the world. We have cameras and media in our hands and our pockets. We are simultaneously spectators and actors of the world that these images create. This place invites us to try and understand these images, to decode the messages, to look for the beauty, to become aware of their impact on us and on others. Whether it is spread through traditional or social media, images are an integral part of our daily lives and it is essential to understand them to be part of a society where they are increasingly present.

Built by artists and photojournalists, the project proposes to question the role of the image in the culture of information and the representation of self, to develop the vision of the participants by the practice of photography and to exercise their critical mind by building a thematic questioning their own image.