Investigation on Nestlé's activities with Der Spiegel | Mathias Zwick
Mathias Zwick, publicationInland Storiesnestle, der Spiegel, publication, documentary story, documentary photographer, documentary photography, portrait, vittel, mathias zwick
Commemoration of the Pexonne roundup | Mathias Zwick
publication, Mathias ZwickInland Storiesmathias zwick, commemoration, documentary photography, documentary story, documentary photographer, WWII, portrait, publi, l'
Political unrest in Senegal with L'Obs | Carmen Abd Ali
Migrant boat shipwreck for the New York Times | Carmen Abd Ali
Carmen Abd Ali, publicationInland Storiescarmen abd ali, senegal, migration crisis, publication, New York Times Magazine, assignment, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer
Covering Serbia's back-to-back massacres for the New-York Times | Vladimir Zivojinovic
Vladimir Zivojnovic, publicationInland Storiesserbia, mass shooting, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, vladimir zivojinovic, may 2023, Belgrade, protests
Anti-Erosion Dams in Senegal for Liberation | Carmen Abd Ali
Carmen Abd Ali, publicationInland Storiescarmen abd ali, senegal, erosion, Green Trails, eco initiatives, solutions, assignment, documentary photography, documentary story, documentary photographer
Senegalese artists seize the spotlight | Carmen Abd Ali
Portrait of Andres Diez for So Foot | Mathias Zwick
Women fighting for their rights in Sierra Leone | Carmen Abd Ali
Carmen Abd Ali, publicationInland Storiesassignment, sierra leone, der Spiegel, carmen abd ali, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, women fighting, rights, gender equality, publication
On LGBT+ rights in South Korea | Tim Franco
publication, tim francoInland Storiesassignment, publication, tim franco, liberation, lgbtq+, south korea, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, portrait, couple
Stage photographer for a TV show airing North Korean defectors | Tim Franco
publication, tim francoInland Storiestim franco, unperson, north korea, north korean defectors, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, book, photobook, stage photographer, publication, online