On pension reform project protests for Le Monde | Romain Philippon
On Emigration in the islands for Libération | Romain Philippon
Cabo Verde, the new drug hub ans its fight against climate change for Der Spiegel | Carmen Abd Ali
Carmen Abd Ali, publicationInland Storiescarmen abd ali, publication, cape verde, der Spiegel, new storie, Digital Storytelling, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story
Another Serbia/Kosovo political crisis in Die Zeit | Vladimir Zivojinovic
Mars on Earth in National Geographic Slovenia | Matjaz Tančič
exhibition, publication, Matjaz TancicInland Storiespublication, national geographic, matjaz tancic, mars on earth, slovenia, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, exhibition, circulations
How North Carolina family lost their parental rights for an unpaid bill | Phyllis B. Dooney
Investigation on South Korean entertainment industry becoming K-Power | Tim Franco
publication, tim francoInland Storiesinvestigation, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, tim franco, el pais, assignment, publication, south korea, K-power
Cover Story 'The birth of Tommaso' for National Geographic | Melanie Wenger
publication, Melanie WengerInland Storiesmelanie wenger, national geographic, national geographic explorer, photojournalism, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, aging, publication
The expansion of German coal mines | Mathias Zwick
Mathias Zwick, publicationInland Storiesmathias zwick, publication, disclose, investigation, germany, coal mines, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer
Portrait of researcher Moreno Andreatta | Mathias Zwick
publication, Mathias ZwickInland Storiesportrait, assignment, publication, mathias zwick, CNRS, Philosophie Magazine, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer
The Snake Church in Médiapart | Cyril Abad
Cyril Abad, publicationInland Storiesdocumentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, cyril abad, the snake church, snake, mediapart, publication, portfolio