'San Ichi-Ichi' 10-year anniversary | Phyllis B. Dooney


March 11, 2021 marked the 10-year anniversary of “San Ichi Ichi.”
10 years ago, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck North-eastern Japan. Shortly thereafter, a tsunami came ashore and finally, a nuclear meltdown occurred at Tokyo Electric’s Fukushima Daiichi plant. By mid-April the government had mandated that the residents in severely radiated areas leave indefinitely. A year later an estimated 100,000 Nuclear Refugees were living in government issued temporary housing or elsewhere.
The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric are attempting an unprecedented clean-up effort, employing a method called ‘Jyosen’ or ‘earth removal.’ The most recent estimation for Tomioka, at 20 years before habitability, is under fire for being too optimistic.

Photographer Phyllis B. Dooney documented the aftermath:

'From 2011–2013, I chronicled the survivors in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. I see parallels with today’s global pandemic: alienation, trauma, isolation and a disproportionate effect on the local seniors, among others. The Japanese authorities and people continue to struggle with the aftermath, including PTSD and the long-term solutions for the radiation clean-up effort, and I wonder - what will we continue to grapple with 10 years after COVID?'