Myth/s Inland's new collective exhibition
Inland in Arles !
Inland will be at the festival ImageSingulières 2022
exhibition, Inlanders, TalkInland Storiesfestival, imagesingulières, Inland, inlanders, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, talk, screening
Dust exhibited at ImageSingulières | Patrick Wack
exhibition, Patrick WackInland Storiesexhibition, patrick wack, imagesingulières, DUST, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, photobook, festival
'Unperson' exhibited at ImageSingulières | Tim Franco
exhibition, tim francoInland Storiestim franco, unperson, exhibition, imagesingulières, festival, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, portrait
'Mars on Earth' selected for Singapore International Photography Festival | Matjaz Tančič
'Terre Australes' at the Festival de la Gacilly | Mélanie Wenger
New story, Melanie Wenger, exhibitionInland Storiesmelanie wenger, new storie, story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, exhibition, festival de la Gacilly, Kerguelen
'We the people' book signing at ICP Photobook Fest | Myriam Abdelaziz
Story on Russian society for l'OBS | Patrick Wack
Patrick Wack, publicationInland Storiesassignment, patrick wack, Obs, reportage, Ukraine, russia, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, publication
On field for De Trouw, new story on borders and animal movement | Alex Kemman
Laureate of the French commission for photography: Radioscopie de la France | Patrick Wack