Myth/s Inland's new collective exhibition

In its original sense, a myth is a sacred narrative that tells of our origins and also plays a fundamental social role. It provides a structure for life in which one takes refuge in times of crisis or ontological insecurity.

This exhibition reveals the presence of myth(s) through different narratives: the myth created by power in order to (better) govern or to justify its hegemony. The founding myth of the stories imagined by different civilizations to explain the creation of the world and sometimes its forthcoming destruction. And finally, a more personal mythology, that feeds our imaginations and our representations. By bringing together this corpus, the photographers of Inland question our modern mytahs and try to define the thin lines between fabrication, manipulation and representation.


The first section [›Geopolitics‹] comprises works on topics such as the ›Gilets Jaunes‹ in France (Mathias Zwick), Russian disinformation in Ukraine (Jens Schwarz), the exodus of young Russian from Moscow (Patrick Wack), Trump supporters in the US (Melanie Wenger) or policies of water management in Kurdish-Iraqi areas (Alex Kemman).

The second section [›Metaphysics‹] brings together projects addressing questions of faith and religion (Cyril Abad), the global impact of human activities on the ecosystem (Jef Bonifacino), geological legends (Romain Philippon), or the research towards the colonization of Mars in various countries (Matjaz Tancic).

In the third section [›Self-reflections‹], individual identity becomes the focus of the photographic examination, with a celebration of the American diversity (Myriam Abdelaziz), the myth of self-expectations (Tjorven Bruyneel) or photographic demystifications of the self (Phyllis B. Dooney).

L'Aire 1st Floor, 25 Rue Porte de Laure, Arles
5/07, 7pm - 10pm
The first glass of white wine will be offered by our Alsatian partner Le Domaine Schoenheitz. The bar will be open for the rest of the evening.

Exhibition: from July 5th to July 9th during Rencontres d'Arles, France.


 by the photographers of Inland

Curated by Jens Schwarz, Phyllis B. Dooney and Ariane Kovalevsky

Printed by Initial Labo



With the support of

Planète Initial

Progaganda studio

Vins Schoenheitz

Inland Stories