Introducing our new member | Alex Kemman


Alex Kemman is a cultural anthropologist and criminologist interested in showing invisible and underlying processes of power. His long-term photography projects relate to development issues, waterpolitics, human rights and ecology.

Mostly from a research-based perspective and long-term approach, his projects are self-initiated and supported by grants. In his work he focuses on topics that might be challenging to visualise but are  therefore all the more interesting. He has worked in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. 

His photobook dummy Whispers of War about an approaching war in Southeastern Turkey was nominated by the Dummy Awards of MACK, Fiebre, LUMA recontres, Kassel and Unseen of 2017 and presented at the Night of Photography at Recontres d’Arles 2018.

His work “The Last Free River of Mesopotamia’”came in second at Emergentes 2020 in Portugal, third for Verzasca Photo Festival in Switzerland and was exhibited at Photo:Israel 2020. It is part of the art collection of the Dutch Ministery of Foreign affairs.