'Whether my blue is the same as yours' published in Médor magazine | Tjorven Bruyneel
Tjorven Bruyneel, publicationInland Storiestjorven bruneel, publication, medor magazine, whe, whether my blue is the same as yours, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, portrait, belgium
Stories in Serbia and Kosovo for Liberation | Vladimir Zivojinovic
publication, Vladimir ZivojnovicInland Storiesassignment, publication, liberation, vladimir zivojinovic, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, serbia, kosova
Portrait of David Mété for Le Monde | Romain Philippon
Seoul Fashion week for Madame Figaro | Tim Franco
publication, tim francoInland Storiestim franco, madame figaro, publication, assignment, city guide, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, seoul, south korea
Densité 0, a new story on the 13 less densely populated municipalities in France | Jef Bonifacino
Jef Bonifacino, New storyInland Storiesjef bonifacino, new story, densité 0, radioscopie de la France, france, documentary photography, documentary photographer, documentary story, portrait, grant
Azov Horizons - Chapter III | Patrick Wack
New story, Patrick WackInland Storiespatrick wack, new story, sea of azov, azov horizons, russia, Ukraine, documentary story, documentary photography, documentary photographer, portrait
France Magique, story on popular and magical beliefs | Cyril Abad
Two-day documentary photography workshop, last day to book | Melanie Wenger
Portrait of imam Muhsin Hendricks for the Guardian | Matjaz Tančič
Mars on Earth, story of the week at PHmuseum | Matjaz Tančič
Featured in the new Prix Pictet book | Myriam Abdelaziz