'Proximité(s)', exhibition in Hendaye, France | Jef Bonifacino


'Proximité(s)' is a project that brings together the author Aliona Gloukhova and the photographer Jef Bonifacino in the Coastal conservatory of Abbadia during 2022. Aliona Gloukhova proposes a poetic fiction composed of studies, instructions, protocols allowing to be in the world differently. Jef Bonifacino uses silver photography and its organic material in order to decentralize our points of view and reveal new proximities. 'Proximité(s)' questions our perception and our ability to be alive-with-the-living.

Project realized thanks to the “Mondes nouveaux” support by the Ministry of Culture (France Relance), in partnership with the Conservatoire du littoral. 
Opening - performance April 1, 2023 at 11am
Exhibition from April 1 to June 16, 2023
House of the Corniche Basque - Asporotsttipi
Route de la Corniche, Hendaye