Introducing our new member | Myriam Abdelaziz


Myriam Abdelaziz is a French/American photographer born in Cairo, Egypt. Her career started in the corporate marketing field before she decided to switch gear and pursue a profession in photography, her lifetime passion. Myriam graduated from the International Center of Photography in 2006 and has been based in New York City since.

She was named by the Magenta Foundation one of the 25 Emerging Photographers in the USA in 2009 and 2011 and is a winner of the Lens Culture Emerging Talent prize, American Photography #24, La Bourse du Talent and PhotoEspana. She was also nominated for the Pictet Prize in 2016 and 2017.

Myriam’s work tells the stories of its participants. Her inquiry into the tales of people takes her around the globe searching for narratives that overcome physical and cultural barriers and often reveal what we have in common: glimpses of solitude, hope, insecurity, dignity. Her work captures moments where something inner is revealed. Her photographs have been published in magazines such as American Photography, Fortune, Newsweek, Time Magazine and BJP among others, featured in various solo and group exhibitions around the world and are part of several major collections (BNF, AFD). Myriam also teaches photography at Trinity School in New York City.