Introducing our new member | Cyril Abad


Cyril Abad is a French photographer based in France who has been professionally active for the past ten years.

After working as an advertising and fashion photographer, he's been focusing since 2012 on documentary projects dealing with man's place in society, often with a singular and offbeat twist. He collaborates on a regular basis with print magazines, notably through original and humorous reportages such as "Blackpool, the Brexit holidays" or "Orange is the new zoo".

In 2016 he started "IN GOD WE TRUST", a 3-year project on the singular forms of religion in the United States, which presents a dissonant vision of our contemporary societies. This project has been published in France and internationally on numerous occasions and exhibited in 2020 at the International Photography Biennial of Clermont-Ferrand and in 2019 at Visa Pour l'Image.