Blackout Saturday - Exhibition in Passa, France | Mathias Zwick


In residence at L'Espai l'Abraçada near Perpignan, Mathias Zwick presents his series 'Blackout Saturday', a documentary work about the economic actors of the night world during the Covid-19 pandemic. Every Saturday night, between November 2020 and February 2021, Mathias portrayed nightclub owners in their establishments and also nightclub workers in their homes. Two spaces, one atmosphere: gloomy. Nightlife is a sector for artists and enthusiasts. The impossibility of working not only has disastrous economic consequences, it also causes great psychological distress.

This immersive exhibition brings the visitor into the ghostly atmosphere of a nightclub. A visual experience in which lights and smoke effects are coupled with sound compositions created for the exhibition by the emerging artist Sakine.

The exhibition takes place at L'Espai l'Abraçada from 28 August to 27 September 2021.