Green Veins of Europe
Ecocorridors & the European Green Deal
From red deer traces and half wild horses, to fallen trees and tree plantations, till mountain ranges and free flowing rivers. They have something in common: these are the roads and routes that nature uses. The veins that connect the continent.
The European Green Deal is the most ambitious plan in the history of the EU and will change the face of the continent irrevocable. At least 1000 billion of euros will be made available to invest. With the upcoming Green Deal, ecocorridors (the connections between national parks and wild territories) have become of increased interest. They form a key point in the Biodiversity strategy 2030. Environmental experts argue that these connections are essential to lower C02 emissions and to strengthen biodiversity.
What do ecocorridors look like?
This project investigates and follows an ecocorridor from the Netherlands to Italy. Through an in-depth series of photos ‘Green Veins of Europe’ tells several local stories of the respective five countries that sometimes show harmony between humans and nature, and sometimes show friction. Essentially investigating how the future of our fragmented continent may look Like and what role EU policy making may play in this.