Documentary Street Photography Workshop | Cyril Abad
Inland Storiesdocumentary story, documentary photographer, documentary photography, cyril abad, eugenie baccot, workshop, workshops, italy, genoa, street photo, street photography
New Inland Member | Tommaso Rada
Spotlight on 'Unseen Apollo' | Jef Bonifacino
Inland Storiesdocumentary story, documentary photographer, documentary photography, jef bonifacino, unseen apollo, cite de l'espace, toulouse, exhibition, revue XXI, exploreur, archive, space
'Rwanda, in the name of justice' in Le Nouvel Obs | Mathias Zwick
Inland Storiesdocumentary story, documentary photographer, documentary photography, mathias zwick, rwanda, genocide, portraits, le nouvel obs, l'obs, journalism, photojournalism
Exhibition 'Stories across the border' | Tim Franco
Inland Storiesdocumentary story, documentary photographer, documentary photography, tim franco, south korea, korea, north korean defectors, unperson, exhibition, group exhibition, Odusan
Booooooom Photo Awards | Romain Philippon
Stimultania Residency | Mathias Zwick
The Aftermath Project Grant | Alex Kemman
Masterclass | Mélanie Wenger
Exhibition 'La France sous leurs yeux' | BnF
Inland Storiesdocumentary story, documentary photographer, documentary photography, collective, archive, france, melanie wenger, cyril abad, mathias zwick, jef bonifacino, patrick wack, BNF, exhibition
Documents d'artistes | Romain Philippon