The Skateboarding village's storie on limited edition skates | Matjaž Tančič


In February 2020 Matjaž Tančič visited Janwaar village in Madhya Pradesh state - India with Jamie Fullerton. What started as a curiosity visit to a so-called skateboarding village in the middle of nowhere turned out to be much more than a small photo op. It was mind-blowing to see how a simple skate park changed the entire village. From kids attending the school more frequently so they were allowed to skate after, kids of different casts hanging out together, kids winning national skate competitions and promoting the equality of boys and girls. A photo print sale later helped to raise funds when the Corona streaked the already impoverished region.

And recently another project is out. Matjaž's photos appeared on the limited edition Decathlon skates. Kids in the village got the new skateboards and the part of the profits of the sales are going to go to The Rural Changemakers, an association that promotes youth, education and development aid.