The Kratt Metaphor in Fictions Documentaires, Carcassonne | Cyril Abad, Eugénie Baccot


For the Fictions Documentaires festival organized by GRAPh-CMI, Cyril Abad and Eugénie Baccot are thrilled to announce the French premiere of 'The Kratt Metaphor'. Join them on Friday, November 17, 2023, at 7.30pm in the Chapelle des Dominicaines, Carcassonne for the grand opening, graced by the presence of Stéphane Léage, Louise Narbo, Dominique Mérigard, Mathieu Farcy, and Bogdan Chthulu Smith. This endeavor has been made possible with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques (Cnap), Christian Gattinoni, Réseau Diagonal, and Eric Sinatora.

© Cyril Abad l Eugénie Baccot