The Inland Lab / Arles

Inland was created three years ago, in a pre-pandemic world, but already communicating through zooms and sharing workload softwares. As none of us in based in the same city or country, we wanted to create an ephemeral workplace for our collective experimentations and chose the Rencontres d’Arles. We imagined a place where we can finally all meet in person and where we can continue to work on the process to create this structure, collectively. Inland is an ongoing process, where we invent ways to communicate, put in common our expertise, our ideas, share feedback on personal work as well as create collective bodies of work. We want to share our challenges with the public, make our internal process visible and open our lab to feedback. 

It all started in Arles anyway. The Founding Members, and some others, used to meet in our temporary home/lab during the professional week and organize an unformal moment where each of us would show prints of our ongoing work, expecting constructive feedback from our fellow photographers to move forward once the week was over.

We created a lightweight and fair network/structure to give the power back to each individual in the team building a project. Photographers take back control of their stories. We decided to work with experts who share the risks we take and understand the challenges in the field as well as its realities. Our job is indeed changing. We have chosen to adapt to it and to find out for ourselves what it can become.

We felt the need to keep this moment of interaction on our work and developed the concept of the Inland Lab. This monthly digital meeting allows Inland members to show their work to the other member, when they are at a turning point in their creation. This year, we would like to give the Lab a foot in reality, beat geography and make it Live. Come have a look into our process, discover our ongoing projects and show us your portfolios. 

Opening time: The Inland Lab in L’Aire, 1st and 2nd Floor
25 Rue Porte de Laure, Arles
7/07, 8/07 and 9/07 from 10am to 1pm

Book Signings: L’Aire, 2nd Floor - 8/07 at 11am
Photographers Myriam Abdelaziz, Tim Franco and Patrick Wack will be signing their book.
Friday 8/07 at 12PM in the Inland Lab. 

Inland Stories