'Southern Lands' in La Gacilly-Baden Festival | Melanie Wenger


Photographer Mélanie Wenger’s exploration of the unseen ´Southern Lands’ is exhibited at the La Gacilly-Baden Festival in Austria until October 15. To celebrate the 250 years of its discovery she and writer Vincent Jolly were given exclusive access to the OP4 of the Marion Dufresne, famous ship and only connection to the Southern Lands, this French territory called the Terres Australes et Antarctique Françaises, lost at sea just kilometers away from the Antarctica continent. The most inaccessible land on earth is also a witness to the transformations our planet is facing with climate change as much as a confusion conflict between science and conservation. Supported by the Fondation Yves Rocher, the story was an assignment for Le Figaro Magazine and published in June 2022.