New Series: Blackout Saturday | Mathias Zwick


Every Saturday night since November, Mathias Zwick has been portraying nightclub owners
in their establishments, along with other workers from this sector (DJs, dancers, barmaids, physiognomists, etc.) in their homes. Two spaces, one atmosphere: gloomy.
According to the National Union of Discotheques and Leisure Venues (SNDLL), nearly a third
of the 1,600 nightclubs in France could go bankrupt if they do not reopen in the coming months. Nightlife is a sector for artists and enthusiasts. The impossibility of working not only has disastrous economic consequences, it also causes great psychological distress. 

The music has stopped. The disco balls are gathering dust. The party is definitely over.
However, anger is rising. If the prophesied economic and social cataclysm comes true,
the atmosphere may well become electric. But not on the dancefloor this time. 

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