Mars on Earth exhibited in Simulacra, first NFT Group Show in Shanghai | Matjaz Tancic


Saturday, May 22nd Shanghai had its first NFT exhibition. Matjaž Tančič has shown 3 animated gifs made from the images from Mars on Earth series. They are available in a digital frame as an NFT for 1Eth on the platform Rarible.

The title of this show comes from the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard’s 1981 treatise Simulacra and Simulations, which claims that the semiotic saturation of modern society has generated a hyperreality via models of a “real” without origin or reality. While this groupshow presents international emerging and established artists and disparate themes, they are united by the narrative thread of the aesthetic avantgarde in the form of NFTs. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, function effectively as simulacra in the Baudrillardian conception of the term. Alongside some more traditional artworks, each artist has contributed at least one NFT to Simulacra.