IN24 / A collective exhibition


China, Serbia, Estonia, Senegal, the United States, Belgium, France, South Korea, Russia, Turkey…

All living places and spaces inhabited by history and current events, these countries are the backdrops of the exhibition 'Hourly Chronicles'. With Inland photographers on four continents, the exhibition presented this year is a collective creation from its conception to its production. Based on a remote residence carried out in 2023, with the challenge of overcoming the constraints of space and time, to connect them, to connect us.

'IN24' offers a hemispheric vision of the world, an hour after hour inquiry into societies seen through the eyes of our 14 photographers. The selection of images and texts presented offers a genuine corpus capable of covering documentary scope, transfiguring them into a sensitive experience.

The styles, narratives and experiences of our members take us from the mundane to the extraordinary, from the intimate to the universal, from individual stories to global issues. The exhibition highlights these new connections and invites us to learn - in this uncertain present - how to think and live together. Because telling stories, reporting facts and imagining possible worlds is what photography means to us.

An exhibition featuring Cyril Abad, Myriam Abdelaziz, Carmen Abd Ali, Jef Bonifacino, Tjorven Bruyneel, Phillys B. Dooney, Tim Franco, Alex Kemman, Romain Philippon, Matjaz Tančič, Patrick Wack, Mélanie Wenger, Vladimir Zivojinovic, Mathias Zwick

Opening: Inland Gallery / 34 rue de la Porte de Laure, Arles
                  4/07, 6pm
Exhibition: from 3/07 to 9/07 during Rencontres d'Arles, France.