Hidden Treasures, an Open-Air Exhibition in Cesis Rucka Park, Latvia | Tjorven Bruyneel


In the spring of 2021, Tjorven Bruyneel lived and worked on the site of Rucka Artist Residency, among a group of international artists (artists: Albert Allgaier, Tjorven Bruyneel, Vika Eksta, Laura Fiorio, Indra Gleizde, Gruppe Uno Wien, Rabota Marika Anton, Ieva Saulīte, Aleks Slota, Sabīne Šnē, Charlotte Thoemmes / exhibition curator Līga Lindenbauma).
She made an installation about the revival of foraging for food, reflecting on the history and everyday life in Cesis, issues of ecology and natural resources. The fruits of the artists' labors are now on display at an open-air exhibition "Hidden Treasures" in Cesis Rucka Park.