Exhibitions at 2022 Singapore International Photography Festival | Tim Franco & Matjaz Tančič


Mars on Earth Matjaz Tančič documentary investigation into our possible future on the Red Planet will be exhibited for the 8th edition of the Singapore International Photography Festival alongside photographer Tim Franco’s Unperson.

Mars on Earth focuses on the growing interest in space. Photographer Matjaz Tančič followed the progress of research on the colonization of space in China, The Unites States and Europe. He chronicled architects, doctors, farmers, engineers, home rocket builders and multibillion startups developing the self-sustainable Martian habitats.

In Unperson, Tim Franco tells the story of the people who have fled the dictatorship in North Korea to settle with their cousins in the South. He recently gave a talk about his portrait practice with curator He Yining.

The festival is open from September 23rd to October 30th 2022 in Singapore.