Stimultania Photography Center Exhibition | Mathias Zwick


Mathias Zwick is participating in the collective exhibition "Sous les Sunlights," held at the Stimultania Photography Center in Strasbourg from 17 May to 21 September, 2024. This exhibition revolves around themes of carefreeness, conviviality, and popular festivities, featuring five artists who are laureates of the Grande Commande Photojournalisme: Théo Combes, Julie Glassberg, Cha Gonzalez, Laurent Moynat, and Théophile Trossat. Mathias is presenting his series "Léon, Mégane, and Zoé," a work on the French and their cars, in the form of a projection and installation designed as a drive-in cinema. The images are accompanied by music specially composed for the occasion by composer and performer Fanny Helali.

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