Kimia, 16 years old, skater girl from Kerman, in a public park where she used to practice. Kerman, Iran, October 3, 2015.

Mohammad, 23 years old, skateboarder from Kerman. Kerman, Iran, October 4, 2015.

Three skater girls wearing mandatory veils and long sleeves in front of a half-pipe in Kerman, Iran, on October 4, 2015.

Alem Redzepagic, 21 years old student at Mitrovica Rock School, with his guitar case. His family is from Montenegro. He was born and he lives in the Serbian side of Mitrovica. Mitrovica, Kosovo, March 28, 2017.

An abandoned factory in front of a mountainous landscape in northern Mitrovica which is the Serbian part of the city. Mitrovica, Kosovo, March 27, 2017.

The multi-ethnic rock band Proximity Mine in front of a caravan in the Serbian side of Mitrovica, Kosovo, on March 29, 2017. All of them are students at Mitrovica Rock School.

Erfan skateboards down Valiasr street in Tehran. He rides in front of the portraits of Khomeini and Khamenei, The Supreme Leaders of the Islamic Republic. Tehran, Iran, October 23, 2015.

Erfan and Arian sleep on Persian rugs. Arian uses a skateboard as a pillow. Isfahan, Iran, September 28, 2015.

Erfan and Sajad smoke a cigarette during a skateboard session in the Grand Bazaar of Tehran, Iran, on September 24, 2015.

Le rapport des Français à la voiture
A former Elf gas station on County Road 951. A flower box and some wood have been placed in what is now a stretch of grass between two roads. In the foreground, a "Cirque de France" sign. The "Elf" sign remains in the center. Barbonne-Fayel, France, May 23, 2022.Leon, Megane and Zoe is a personal project about the relation of the French to the car. It was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Culture and is part of the National Commission "Radioscopy of France" made to 200 photojournalists and piloted by the National Library of France to tell the France after Covid. Une ancienne station-service Elf sur la route départementale 951. Un bac de fleurs et du bois ont été disposés dans ce qui est maintenant une étendue d'herbe entre deux routes. Au premier plan, une affiche "Cirque de France". L'enseigne "Elf" demeure au centre. Barbonne-Fayel, France, 23 mai 2022.Leon, Megane et Zoe est un projet personnel sur le rapport des Français à la voiture. Il a été soutenu par une bourse du ministère de la culture et fait partie de la Grande Commande Nationale "Radioscopie de la France" faite auprès de 200 photojournalistes et pilotée par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France afin de raconter la France d'après Covid.

Le rapport des Français à la voiture
Eric Lafrange, 46, cleans his car. He lives in Saint-Leu-d'Esserent, in the Oise region, and works for the RATP in Pantin. He commutes every day in his 2007 Twingo: "It's a good little car! It's fun, reliable, economical in consumption and maintenance. I drive 120 km round trip per day to work with it. The car means a lot to him: "The car is almost my second wife, I've been immersed in it since I was a child. My grandfather and my father were in the car business, so I followed. [...] Without a car, you can't do anything. I'm outside the city center so I have nothing around me, there are no stores, there's nothing. The car allows me to do my shopping and go to work. Car wash, Oise, France, February 17, 2022.Leon, Megane and Zoe is a personal project about the relation of the French to the car. It was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Culture and is part of the National Commission "Radioscopy of France" made to 200 photojournalists and piloted by the National Library of France to tell the France after Covid. Eric Lafrange, 46 ans, nettoie sa voiture. Il vit à Saint-Leu-d’Esserent, dans l’Oise, et travaille à la RATP à Pantin. Il fait le trajet tous les jours à bord de sa Twingo de 2007 : « C’est une bonne petite bagnole ! Elle est marrante, fiable, économique en consommation et en entretien. Je fais 120 bornes aller-retour par jour pour partir bosser avec elle. » L’automobile représente beaucoup pour lui : « La voiture c’est limite ma deuxième femme, je baigne dedans depuis tout petit. Mon grand-père et mon père étaient dans l’automobile, donc j’ai suivi. […] Sans voiture, tu ne fais plus rien. Je suis en dehors du centre-ville donc je n’ai rien autours de moi, y’a pas de magasins, y’a rien. La voiture me permet de faire mes courses et d’aller travailler. » Station de lavage, Oise, France, 17 février 2022.Leon, Megane et Zoe est un projet personnel sur le rapport des Français à la voiture. Il a été soutenu par une

Le rapport des Français à la voiture
Saturday evening in front of the Metropolis in Rungis, a discotheque along the A86. Dorian, 20 years old, Ines, 20 years old, and Teddy, 19 years old, are doing the before in Dorian's car, parked along a gas station. The three friends often come to go out here. They always get into the car before entering the discotheque. For Dorian: "The car represents everything! I'm a mechanic and the car is also my job. It's the travelling, the money, the incredible freedom! It means going on vacation whenever you want. Look, after 4am, we get out of the club and we can come back as we want, we have the car! Along the A86, border of the low emission zone (ZFE) of the Paris region, Rungis, France, June 26, 2022.Leon, Megane and Zoe is a personal project about the relation of the French to the car. It was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Culture and is part of the National Commission "Radioscopy of France" made to 200 photojournalists and piloted by the National Library of France to tell the France after Covid. For this staged portrait, I asked Teddy to sit on the roof of the car. During the shooting, I let Ines and Dorian move freely. The young people smoked a lot. I intervened once in the portrait to ask Dorian to relight his cigarette so that the light from the lighter could shine on his face. Two flashes were added: one on the right side of the image, the other in the car. Samedi soir devant le Metropolis à Rungis, une discothèque en bordure de la A86. Dorian, 20 ans, Ines, 20 ans, et Teddy, 19 ans, font le before dans la voiture de Dorian, garée le long d'une station essence. Les trois copains viennent souvent sortir ici. Ils s'ambiancent toujours dans la voiture avant d'entrer dans la discothèque. Pour Dorian : "La voiture représente tout! Je suis carrossier en plus, la voiture est aussi mon métier. La voiture, c'est le voyage, l'oseille, la liberté incroyable! C’est partir en vacances quand tu en as envie. Regarde, après 4h du mat', on sort de boite e