The Greater Zab - The Last Free River of Mesopotamia
Deserted picknick area at Zagros mountain range at Iranian border. The Iranian borderguards often enter Iraqi territory, one risks being kidnapped or killed if you get too close towards Iran. Choman, Iraq.

The Greater Zab - The Last Free River of Mesopotamia
Sherwan. Sherwan is an Iranian Kurd working several months a year in the Iraqi Kurdish region as a turkey breeder, his son has a braintumor, but he is not able to find work in Iran.Choman, Iraq.

The Greater Zab - The Last Free River of Mesopotamia
Residence of Sherwan. Choman, Iraq.

The Greater Zab - The Last Free River of Mesopotamia
Kurdish family having a picknick with Greater Zab River on the background during Newroz (Kurdish newyear) Barzan, Iraq.

The Green Veins of Europe
This stream was used by red deers to cross from one nature reserve to another. By doing so, rejuvinating an original plan of connecting two territories for animals, although this plan was later cancelled. The story of this deers crossing was controversial, because farmers do not want deers in their lands, as they may eat crops. Hierden, Netherlands.

The Green Veins of Europe
Semi-wild horses at the Waal river. This part of the river has been restorated to its natural course so that it can flood and flow freely. Nijmegen, Netherlands.

The Green Veins of Europe
Forest plantation to diversify the forest and lessening the number of pine trees. In turn creating ecocorridors between France and Germany. Palatinate forest, Germany.

The Green Veins of Europe
Squirrel bridge over the highway. A12, Netherlands.

Ecoduct that shows different types of trails for different animals. A8, France.